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~A rich soul

Love & Life

Do I Want Children?

May 6, 2024

Navigating the Journey of Motherhood: A Soulful Reflection

Life has a curious way of unveiling clarity through the haze of indecision as the years unfold. For me, one recurring dialogue has been the question of motherhood—an exploration marked by shifting feelings influenced by the tapestry of my life experiences. My thoughts have danced between desire and uncertainty, often shaped by the potential upheaval that a child might introduce into my carefully crafted existence. While it may seem selfish, in my heart, it feels deeply realistic.

At the tender age of 24, I found myself pregnant with my then-boyfriend. Without delving into the painful details of that toxic relationship, it’s clear that this was not the partnership meant for the journey of parenthood. Life, in its wisdom, guided me through a miscarriage—a heart-wrenching chapter that still echoes in my memory. In the aftermath, I made a quiet vow: I would never again carry a child unless it was within the embrace of a joyous and loving partnership.

As I’ve matured, I’ve grown to appreciate how life has shielded me from paths that would have led to regret or discontent. Yet, the question of children looms larger as I age. The pressure is palpable, yet I remain steadfast in my desire not to rush into such a monumental decision.

Recently, I had a profound realization. The only moments I feel truly at ease with the idea of motherhood are when I envision a child seamlessly woven into the tapestry of my life—one that I have meticulously designed. In those visions, I feel an exhilarating sense of purpose and joy. However, when I imagine a child as a disruptor of my flow, impeding my ability to navigate this world with freedom and authenticity, I experience discomfort and sadness.

Many have insisted that conventional parenting is the only path to fulfillment. Yet, I hold a different belief: that we can create our own lifestyle, one that nurtures our individuality and allows our children to thrive within it. My vision for motherhood is not confined to societal norms; rather, it is a reflection of my unique journey, where my children can flourish alongside me.

As I contemplate my desires, I recognize that my heart yearns for the experience of nurturing a life—a profound gift that may be among the most sacred spiritual journeys one can embark upon. In the realm of partnership, there exists no greater opportunity for self-reflection, growth, and inspiration than the act of nurturing one’s own seeds.

So, as I stand at this crossroads, I embrace the duality of my longing and uncertainty. I welcome the idea of motherhood, not as a disruption, but as an extension of my soul’s journey—a chance to cultivate life in a way that aligns with my spirit and enriches the world around me.