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~A rich soul

Love & Life

Loving Past The Expiration Date.

May 6, 2024

Recognizing that you can love someone deeply yet also acknowledge they aren’t good for you is one of the hardest realizations. Throughout our lives, we love multiple people, but some connections leave longer-lasting imprints. While infidelity, communication issues, and finances are often cited as reasons for breakups, I believe it ultimately boils down to growth.

I’ve witnessed two wonderful individuals completely derail their relationship because they couldn’t align in their growth. One person evolves while the other remains stagnant, and then it flips. This pattern has taught me that a relationship needs constant nurturing to thrive.

Consider two healthy plants; if they sit unattended without water and care, they will stop growing or struggle to survive. Some may even grow in different directions, desperately searching for sustenance. This metaphor beautifully reflects human relationships.

To flourish together, you must continually invest in the foundation of your bond. It’s a long and challenging group project that requires commitment from both parties. It’s crucial to recognize when nurturing is lacking and to be honest with yourself about whether the love you feel is fostering growth or holding you back. Ultimately, relationships should inspire and elevate both individuals, allowing them to thrive side by side.